【同义词辨析】 2018-07-06 害羞shy-coy

shy: implies a timid reserve and a shrinking from familiarity or contact with others: ~ in front of of total strangers. (timid一般的胆小,贬义不重He is timid by nature他生性胆小)

bash: implies a frightened or hesitant shyness characteristic of immaturity: the ~ boy rarely told us how he felt about anything.

diffident: stresses a distrust of one's own ability, opinion, or powers that causes hesitation in acting or speaking: felt ~ about raising anobjection.

modest: suggests absence of undue confidence or conceit, or of boldness or self-assertion: very ~ About citing his achievements. (self-assertion主断: 坚持自己的主张)

coy: implies an assumed or affected shyness: don't be misled by her ~ demeanor. (demeanor: 反映态度的举止A man's demeanor is high and elegant器宇高雅) (coy还表示含糊不愿意说: she is coy about her age她对年龄避而不谈 )

shy害羞: 胆怯的矜持不愿与人接触熟悉,bash羞怯: 由于害怕而害羞,典型的不成熟,diffident缺乏自信: 怀疑自己能力观点力量,modest谦虚: 避免不恰当自信自负大胆主断,coy忸怩作态: 假装的害羞。


          2) 害羞的意思是不愿主动(forward向前,主动)突出自己mean not inclined to be forward or obtrude oneself. (obtrude强行闯入或引人注意)